Production Control Technology
Achieving production control that optimizes quality, cost, and delivery
As a company with a wide range of businesses, we have as many production management problems as product types. Although the problems are diverse, the objectives are common: optimization of quality, cost, and delivery. This section introduces an application example of the OR technology that contributed to its realization.
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Furnace charging order guidance system
Background The order of charging to the heating furnace prior to rolling has a great effect on productivity and energy consumption, so optimization thereof has been desired.

Results Constraints, evaluation indicators such as productivity, and operational know-how are expressed in mathematical models. By solving these, it became possible to provide guidance for the slab to be charged into the heating furnace in real time.
Factory Scheduling System
Background The assembly plant usually receives parts supplied from the processing plant and then starts production. If the supply is delayed, the productivity of the assembly plant deteriorates. However, orders were often received that exceeded the capacity of the processing plant.

Results A scheduling system for the processing plant was constructed, which derives the schedule that determines the start of production at the assembly plant in the short term. The system also shows the workload that should be outsourced in the long term by monitoring the pile of loads at the processing plant. As a result, the delivery rate to the assembly plant has been improved.