Plasma and Charged Particle Analysis for AIP Cathode Development

Improvement of coating properties by cathode design and plasma control

In the vacuum coating deposition process, the status of a plasma* significantly influences the coating properties. The development of an electro-magnetic design for the cathode is critical for plasma control and the resulting coating properties. 

*a very active state of a gaseous material in which atoms are ionized into electrons and ions.


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Crystalline phase control of coating for cutting tools

Variation in plasma irradiation intensity results in different crystal structures and mechanical properties of TiCrAlN coating

A very hard crystalline phase can be obtained by using the newly developed plasma-enhanced cathode.

Erosion resistance of thick TiAlN coating

A low-stress thick coating can be deposited using magnetic field design and plasma control.

Compared to conventional TiN coating, a much improved service life can be expected when a thick TiAlN coating with more than 20um is used. We are planning to apply the coating to steam turbine blades.